Featured Puzzle: Gemini Sudoku #1
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Featured Puzzle: Gemini Sudoku #1

In Gemini Sudoku, you’re given a pair of Sudoku grids. The grid on the right works like a cipher for the grid on the left. Wherever a digit appears in the left grid, it maps to a specific digit in the same position in the right grid. For example 4 in the left grid might map to a 6 in the right grid. This means that for every 4 you discover on the left, you can place a 6 in the same position on the right.

Featured Puzzle: Paint by Pairs #2 – Kakizome
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Featured Puzzle: Paint by Pairs #2 – Kakizome

I love finding unique holidays to theme a puzzle around. In Japan, Kakizome takes place on the second of January. It’s meant to celebrate one of the major traditional arts – calligraphy. This practice began as a court event during the Heian era during the late 8th century. They would make ink with water drawn on the morning of the first day, then write short aspirational poetry for the year.