Featured Puzzle: Yagit #2
Oh no! Your precious flock is being hunted by wolves! Place fences (lines) along the lines of the grid to create regions that each contain only sheep, or only wolves.
Oh no! Your precious flock is being hunted by wolves! Place fences (lines) along the lines of the grid to create regions that each contain only sheep, or only wolves.
Oh no! Your precious flock is being hunted by wolves! Place fences (lines) along the lines of the grid to create regions that each contain only sheep, or only wolves.
Oh no! A zombie horde is terrorizing the town! You must quickly build walls to keep them at bay! Draw walls to create regions that contain only people, or only zombies.
Connect each pair with a line that only travels orthogonally. These paths do not cross and might not use every cell in the grid.
Place diagonal lines in every cell so that there are no closed loops. Circled numbers indicate how many lines touch that intersection.
Draw bridges between islands to create one connected group. Numbers on the islands indicate the number of bridges that connect to that island.
Find and shade all duplicate numbers in rows and columns, leaving only unique digits. No shaded cell may be adjacent to another, and unshaded cells must form a contiguous area.
Place one tetromino in each region such that all of them are orthogonally contiguous, no tetrominoes of the same type are adjacent, and no 2×2 area of cells is covered.
Create a single closed loop which passes through all the circles, but not necessarily all the cells, without crossing itself or branching. Black and white circles have different rules about how the line of the loop passes through them.
Divide the grid into fenced regions, each containing only one type of animal. No empty regions are allowed.