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Featured Puzzle: Witchy Convention

You’re the host for this year’s Witches Brew-Ha-Ha convention. Everything’s ready – the seating chart has been prepared. But then you read the last instruction – every witch is very particular about the placement of her broom. Can you determine their location on the chart?

  • Each broom-witch pair must be orthogonally adjacent. Think of them as a domino. Each broom belongs to only one witch, and vice-versa.
  • A broom might be adjacent to more than one witch, but it can’t belong to both of them.
  • Brooms may not be next to each other in any direction, even diagonally.
  • Number clues indicate how many brooms must be in that row or column.
  • Rows and columns without numbers may contain any number of brooms.

This is a themed Tents and Trees puzzle. Learn to solve them with our Solving Guide.

Want to try it online? Click here!

Phew! The last thing you’d want to do is anger the Hexenhaus Guild.

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