Gokigen Naname, commonly shortened to just Gokigen, is a line placement puzzle. Place a slanted line into each cell, following numbered clues at grid intersections. You may have seen it before under the name “Slant” or Slalom,” but Gokigen Naname is a Japanese puzzle introduced by Nikoli magazine. Interestingly, the name literally translates as “to be in a bad mood.” In doing my research for this puzzle, I discovered that “Gokigen Naname” is also the name of a Virtual YouTuber.
As with all logic puzzles, begin by looking for the easy “break-in” clues. These starting lines provide the implied lines for other clues, allowing you to move forward in your solve. Examine the grid for the following patterns:
0 in the corner or along the edge: All lines will avoid the clue. A 0 will never appear in the middle of the grid, because it would create a loop around itself. Note that the border itself does not close any loops.
1 in the corner: This clue borders only one cell, so the line must connect to it.
2 along the edge: This clue borders exactly two cells, so both lines connect, forming a V-shape.
4 in the middle: Again, the number of bordering cells matches the clue, so all lines connect.
Basic Implications
Once you have your starting lines, you can begin looking at clues near them to draw more slants. The simplest implications, of course, are when you have already completed a clue. When that happens, simply place lines in the remaining adjacent cells so they avoid the clue. A slightly more subtle case is when you’ve drawn a line that avoids a 3 clue. This implies that all remaining adjacent cells must connect to the 3. Below are a few patterns showing these completion-type implications. A pattern of lines in blue implies the green lines, and vice-versa.
The other type of basic implication is a bit more abstract. In these cases, we use a letter, such as A or B, to represent a pair of slants that must lean the same direction. We won’t know the direction initially, but once we determine one, the matching letter must be the same.
Don’t Close Loops
As you solve, watch for potential loops, and you may be able to deduce some information about nearby cells. Some traps are easier to see than others; experience helps here. To get you started, here are a few basic loop patterns, and what they imply.
Basic Clue Patterns
Now that we’ve seen a few loop patterns, let’s look at some simple clue pairings. For brevity, “next to” means the second clue is one space away in the same row or column. Interestingly, almost all of these patterns create a matched pair of slants in the cells between the clues.
1 on the edge next to a 1 or 3: The inner cells must be a matched pair. Cells outside the 3 connect, while cells outside the second 1 are avoidant.
1 next to another 1: The cells between them must be a matched pair. The outside cells all avoid the 1s.
3 next to another 3: Inside cells must be a matched pair. The outside cells all connect to the 3s.
2 with an outer connected line, next to a 1: The cells between them must be a matched pair. All other outside lines avoid the clues.
2 with an outer avoidant lines, next to a 3: The inner cells must be a matched pair. All other outside lines must connect.
2 next to another 2, with an avoidant line in opposite outer “corners”: Inner cells must be a matched pair. All other outer cells connect. This is true for longer chains of 2s, but each matched slant pair does not need to be identical.
2 next to another 2, with connecting lines on the same outer “side”: The inside cells must be a matched pair. Other outer cells avoid the clues. Again, this also holds true for longer chains of 2s, if they have the required outside slants..
1-1 diagonal pair, neither on the border: Connecting them would force a closed loop, so the line between them must avoid both clues.
Complex Clue Patterns
By now, you have enough information to solve our example puzzle, but I learned a few more complicated patterns that may give you additional insight. Draw them for yourself and experiment with different slants to see how effects can cascade. Here are the concepts demonstrated in the next set of diagrams:
We saw earlier that when you have two different matched pairs that intersect, they must all be the same slant.
A semicircle shape around a 1 acts mostly the same as though that 1 were on the edge. The remaining two cells must be a matched pair.
2 clues create a kind of chain effect, because the configuration on one side forces a similar configuration on the opposite side. A pair of avoidant slants implies a pair of connected lines, and vice-versa. A matched slant pair means another matched slant pair, even if it doesn’t necessarily slant the same direction.
Solving the Puzzle
I know I just threw a lot of information at you. Don’t worry – you don’t need to memorize all the patterns to solve Gokigen puzzles. That was just to demonstrate some simple examples of the deductive reasoning enforced by the rules. Now let’s see them in practice.
First Steps
Adding Simple Patterns
So far, we’ve focused on the edge and taken small solving steps. Before we move on, let’s look at the whole grid. By using the basic patterns, we can add quite a few more lines to work with.
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