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Featured Puzzle: Hamusando #1 – How Not to Make A Grilled Cheese

In 2002, the Clementine Bakery in Los Angeles started celebrating National Grilled Cheese Month in April, and the idea caught on. Unfortunately, our chef isn’t so skilled with the griddle – he gets the cheese everywhere, not just on the sandwich. Can you figure out how he screwed up this time?

The Hamusando puzzle was invented by Naoki Inaba, and is normally themed around a ham sandwich, but I felt it worked perfectly for grilled cheese, as well.

  • Place two pieces of toast and three slices of cheese in each row and column.
  • Numbers around the edges indicate how many slices of cheese are actually between the two pieces of bread.

Watch for a future Hamusando Solving Guide.

Want to try it online? Click here!

Delicious! But I wouldn’t want to be the one cleaning the griddle.

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