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Featured Puzzle: From 1 to X #2 – Happy Math 2.0 Day

Created in 2009 by the Math 2.0 Interest Group, Math 2.0 Day celebrates the meeting of math and technology. Think of all the technological innovations you enjoy – at some point, a mathematician was involved to make it happen. So, to any student wondering where they’ll use math in the real world? Everywhere! Today’s puzzle is From 1 to X, a grid puzzle which involves some light math.

  • Fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to X, where X is the size of the region.
  • Digits may repeat within a row or column, unlike Sudoku.
  • You may not place duplicate numbers in the same region, or in orthogonally adjacent cells across region borders.
  • Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of digits within that row or column.

Learn to solve From 1 to X puzzles with our Solving Guide.

Want to try it online? Click here!

The completed grid. I hope you enjoyed it!

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