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Featured Puzzle: Dotchi Loop #1 – Time to Raid the Henhouse

Scientists have been going round and round for decades about whether eggs or good for you, or if you should eat them in moderation. All I know is that I’m a sucker for a plate of deviled eggs, or a whole lot of over-easy fried eggs. Today is National Egg Day, in case you missed Egg Month in May. Of course, there’s always World Egg Day on October 11th, so you have another chance to enjoy this delicious staple.

Today’s puzzle is Dotchi Loop, and you’ll be raiding this unusual chicken coop to gather all the eggs, while avoiding the newly hatched chicks.

  • Draw a single non-intersecting loop that passes through every egg, without crossing itself or any hatched chick.
  • Within a single region, the loop must behave the same for each egg it crosses. It must either pass straight through them, or make a right angle turn in them.
  • Eggs in a region are not necessarily passed consecutively.

Watch for a future Dotchi-Loop Solving Guide.

Want to try it online? Click here!

Congratulations! You got them all!

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