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Featured Puzzle: Alternate Corners #4 – National Avocado Day

Ah, the delicious avocado, full of healthy fats, and staple of the keto diet. In 2017, a meal delivery service, Model Meals, declared July 31st to be National Avocado Day, celebrating the peak of the California production season. Sadly, Model Meals is gone, but the holiday lives on. Go enjoy a delicious avocado today!

In honor of the holiday, I’ve reskinned an Alternate Corners puzzle with cute little avocados. Draw a single loop which passes through every cell of the grid.

  • You must make a 90-degree turn when passing through a cell containing an avocado.
  • While traveling between avocados, you must make exactly one 90-degree turn.
  • All lines must move in orthogonal directions, connecting the centers of adjacent cells.
  • The solution has only one loop, which may not cross itself.

Learn to solve Alternate Corners puzzles with our Solving Guide.

Want to try it online? Click here!

The completed grid. I hope you enjoyed it!

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