Featured Puzzle: Bricks #1
“All in all, it’s just another brick in the wall.” On this day in 1979, Pink Floyd released one of their most well-known concept albums. The Wall sold over 30 million copies. Today, we celebrate with a Bricks puzzle.
Featured Puzzle: Lighthouses #2
Hidden somewhere in this grid are a group of single-cell tugboats. Can you use the clues provided by the lighthouses to find them all?
Featured Puzzle: November Musings
The letters in this quote have fallen! Each column contains the letters for the spaces above it, but in a random order. Can you reassemble the quote?
Featured Puzzle: Hashi #2
Connect all of the numbered islands into a single group, using a series of bridges. No more than two bridges may connect any pair of islands.
Featured Puzzle: Tile Paint #2
As we’re coming up on the end of November, I wanted to do another Tile Paint puzzle. Hopefully you enjoy my ongoing process of learning pixel art. Shade cells in the grid to reveal a picture!