Featured Puzzle: Presidential Pentominoes
Happy Presidents Day! Today, I put together a puzzle with a presidential quote, then broke it up into polyominoes. Simply assemble them in the grid above to reveal the wisdom from the past.
Featured Puzzle: Bricks #2
Today, we have a simple Bricks puzzle.
Fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 8 without repeating a digit in any row or column.
Featured Puzzle: Fillomino #2
Fillomino is a popular Japanese puzzle. Divide the grid into polyomino regions that each contain a single number, ranging from 1-9.
Featured Puzzle: Index Sums #2
I really liked the concept behind Index Sums puzzles. Do a little mild arithmetic based on the values of rows and columns, and shade the appropriate cells to reach the given totals. I use a chalkboard for the look in several other puzzle types, so why not a whiteboard here?
Featured Puzzle Akari (Light Up) #4
Place light bulbs in the grid in such a way to illuminate all of the unlit cells in the grid, using number clues and walls. Numbers on the walls indicate how many bulbs are placed orthogonally adjacent to them. Walls also block light.