How to Solve Akari Puzzles
Place light bulbs to illuminate every cell in the grid. Clues indicate the number of orthogonally adjacent bulbs.
Place light bulbs to illuminate every cell in the grid. Clues indicate the number of orthogonally adjacent bulbs.
Place a fleet into the grid using the clues around the edge. Ships may not touch each other in any direction.
Given a range of letters (usually A through C), place them into the grid so that they each appear one time in every row and column. Commonly, the grid is also larger than required, so empty cells are part of the solution.
Place the required number of monsters in the grid. Numbers indicate the number of visible monsters from that point.
Place a diagonal mirror in one cell of each region. Matching letter-number combinations outside the grid indicate the start and end of beams that reflect off a given number of mirrors.
Use number clues in a series of lighthouses to locate a given fleet of battleships. Ships may not touch each other or any lighthouses in any direction.
Find a hidden fleet of single-cell boats. Lighthouses reveal all boats in their row and column. Boats may not be adjacent to other boats or lighthouses in any direction.
Play Tic-Tac-Toe to a draw against yourself! Given a few starting placements, fill in the grid with Xs and Os such that there are never 3 in a row in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction.
Using the clues given, mark all cells containing mines. Numbers indicate how many mines surround them. Unlike the computer game, you get to see all the clues when you start. Interestingly,
Place a single star and cloud in each row and column to correctly illuminate the moons.