Featured Puzzle: Heyawake #1
Shade cells in each region equal to the number given. If a region has no number, it may have any number of shaded cells, including zero. The remaining unshaded cells must form a single orthogonally contiguous area.
Shade cells in each region equal to the number given. If a region has no number, it may have any number of shaded cells, including zero. The remaining unshaded cells must form a single orthogonally contiguous area.
As a beginning necromancer, you’ve been working to influence the planning board for the local graveyard. If you can get the grave layout just right, you’ll be ready to take over the world!
Shade cells in each region equal to the number given. If a region has no number, it may have any number of shaded cells, including zero. The remaining unshaded cells must form a single orthogonally contiguous area.
Shade cells in each region equal to the number given. If a region has no number, it may have any number of shaded cells, including zero. The remaining unshaded cells must form a single orthogonally contiguous area.