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Featured Puzzle: Seethrough #1 – The Invisible Dungeon

When he took a fantasy wargame and created his own rules focused on small-scale combat with only a few individuals, Gary Gygax started a revolution. Gradually, Chainmail evolved into Dungeons and Dragons, and the concept of role-playing games was born. When he passed away in 2008, fans around the world declared his birthday, July 27th, to be Gary Gygax Day. So let’s celebrate with a new type of puzzle!

This grid is actually a magical dungeon, in which all the walls are invisible. Fortunately, you have a map, which serves as a hint for where those walls might be.

  • Each cell is one classic 5-foot square that’s part of a room.
  • The number in each square represents how many other squares you can walk to in a straight horizontal or vertical direction without running into a wall.
  • No cells may be isolated – we’re dealing with invisible walls here, not secret doors. So once solved, you should be able to walk from any square to any other square.

This type of puzzle is called Seethrough, or Doors. Be on the lookout for a future Solving Guide.

Want to try it online? Click here!

The completed grid. I hope you enjoyed it!

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