Featured Puzzle: Leapfrog #1
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Featured Puzzle: Leapfrog #1

Happy Leap Day! Every four years, we make up for the fact that the solar year is about 6 hours longer than the 365 days on the Gregorian calendar. To do so, we simply add an extra day at the end of February. This was actually a major plot point in The Pirates of Penzance.

Today’s puzzle is Leapfrog. The Japanese name is Satogaeri, literally “coming home.” This is the first puzzle I’ve introduced in which you must visualize movement. Move the frogs so that each region contains exactly one frog.

Featured Puzzle: Matrix Logic #2 – First Date
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Featured Puzzle: Matrix Logic #2 – First Date

Ah, Valentine’s Day, when love is in the air, and the pressure to impress your date is at its highest. Naturally, that’s the day these eight shy teenagers chose to test their compatibility. For their first date, the four couples had different meals, and a different choice of activity. Which lucky lovers were paired up, and what did they do?

Featured Puzzle: Milk Tea #4 – Teasing Gifts
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Featured Puzzle: Milk Tea #4 – Teasing Gifts

Valentine’s Day is steeped in tradition. Roses and a box of chocolates are probably the most iconic gifts for your romantic partner. You know what else is steeped? Tea! So let’s theme a Milk Tea puzzle for Valentine’s Day. But, there’s a twist! Teasing is also a time-honored tradition in the game of love. So I present to you the Milk Tease variant.